Account Management

Revenue: 1099-K form FAQ

For your GiveDirect fundraising and payments, you will receive a 1099-K form for tax purposes. The 1099-K form is used to report income received through electronic payment methods, such as credit card and debit card transactions.

When will I receive a 1099-K?

Forms are sent out the last week in January.

Who sends the forms?

Forms are sent from Worldpay/Payrix, our processing bank.

Where will the form be sent?

Forms are mailed to your organizations's physical address. If that is not a good mailing address for you, please contact our Support Team to request an electronic copy of the form.

How do I reconcile my 1099-K?

You can reconcile each month by excluding ACH transactions. Reconciliation can be done using Transaction Reports in your control panel and following the instructions below.

  • 1099-K forms show the total gross card transactions processed.
  • ACH and other donations you received outside of GiveDirect are not included.
  • Refunds: Any payment made in the tax year that was refunded will need to be deducted from your revenue total.

1099-K Reconciliation

The first step to reconciling your 1099-K is to navigate to Transaction Reports in the GiveDirect control panel.

reports navigation menu

Using the custom search fields, enter the following filters.

  • Enter the date range you would like to view.
  • Under Payment Result, select Approved.
  • Under Payment Method, select Card.
Click Search.

location of the search fields

The total listed at the top or bottom of the page will match the total on your 1099-K form.

location of the total amount

Note: If you have any discrepancies, it's likely because transactions processed on the last day of the month will be reported in the next month's income.