For your GiveDirect fundraising and payments, you will receive a 1099-K form for tax purposes. The 1099-K form is used to report income received through electronic payment methods, such as credit card and debit card transactions.
Forms are sent out the last week in January.
Forms are sent from Worldpay/Payrix, our processing bank.
Forms are mailed to your organizations's physical address. If that is not a good mailing address for you, please contact our Support Team to request an electronic copy of the form.
You can reconcile each month by excluding ACH transactions. Reconciliation can be done using Transaction Reports in your control panel and following the instructions below.
The first step to reconciling your 1099-K is to navigate to Transaction Reports in the GiveDirect control panel.
Using the custom search fields, enter the following filters.
The total listed at the top or bottom of the page will match the total on your 1099-K form.
Note: If you have any discrepancies, it's likely because transactions processed on the last day of the month will be reported in the next month's income.