Manage Transactions

Download transactions

You may print or download your Transaction Report whenever needed.

At the top and bottom of the transaction summary page is a link to print or to download the transaction details into a CSV spreadsheet. You can then import the records into your own database or CRM. All data collected on your forms can be included in the report.

To download transactions, click the download icon at the top of the transaction summary page.

On the next page, select the desired fields to include in your download. You may select all or any of the individual fields. If you download the field for amount, we also recommend you include the Payment Result so declined or voided transactions may be easily identified.

Once desired fields are selected, click "Download CSV File."

Note: Please keep in mind that some fees, specifically the Employer Match fee, may change if the gift cannot be matched. We suggest that fees downloaded from Transaction Reports be used only as a guide. Please use the Deposits report for balancing.