One-Click Reports

One-Click reports are pre-formatted reports that you might need on a frequent basis. One-click reports may be accessed from the main menu or in the Transactions Reports page.

Figure 1

The top section for Today's, Yesterday's, This Month's and Last Month's Transactions are self-explanatory.

  • Totals Summary Report: This financial report allows you to identify a report for a particular payment form and period by month and year or by date range. If no form name is selected, the report will return a summary of all donations in the date range identified. Information returned in the report will include total number of transactions, gross amount, processing fee, fee cover (fees paid by the donor) and the net proceeds you received for the period.

  • Figure 2
  • Donor Year-End Summary Report: This report allows you to generate an annual donations summary for your donors individually or by batch. You may create a custom letter to accompany the report and email to your donor or print the letter and send via US Postal Service. For additional information, please read the in-depth article "Year End Summary" above.

  • Figure 3
  • Contacts Report: This report will pull a unique donor list, using the email address as the key field. The list may be restricted by Payment form name and date range. To pull a complete list, leave the form name and date range fields blank and click "Search Now." By default, the search will return Salutation, First and Last Name, email address and form label. Additional fields may be added as required.

  • Figure 4
  • Gift Dedication: This report will display a list of donations which include a gift dedication. The report will include the Type of Tribute and occasion, and whether a notification name and address were included in the gift so you may send an acknowledgement to the Tributee.

  • Figure 5
  • Event Guest/Participants Report: This list is generated for the guests registered through your event registration form. For additional information on form types, please read the related article above.
    • Select a from from the drop-down list (required)
    • Enter a year or date range -- leave blank to pull a complete list regardless of date.
    • Columns are sortable on screen. The report can also be printed or exported.
    • The last two columns (in the example, Tickets and Additional Donation) will be taylored to the data you collect on your form.
    Figure 6

    To pull other (custom) reports, please use the left-hand column search field on the Transaction Reports page. For additional information on creating your own custom report, see the help sections on "Download your Transactions" and "Custom Searches" in the menu list of this section.

    If you have a report you use frequently and would like to have a one-click report created, please let us know. You may email or or call 866-459-6420.