Case Study:
Donations And Payments Together On One Form

Published: August 27, 2020
Barnabas Center, Greensboro, North Carolina

Charity's Mission:
Impacting individual lives and entire communities through compassionate Christian counseling.

Barnabas Center is a nonprofit counseling center that uses GiveDirect for donations and also for counseling payments. The director of one of their North Carolina locations asked us to create a page that would process either a donation or a counseling payment from a single page.

Barnabas Center form image

We modified the Amount box with a selection for either a Payment or a Donation. If Donation is selected, then the donation frequency options appear, for donors to select one time or recurring.

A custom drop-down menu below the amount box requires the selection of a counselor's name or a designated program area.

Barnabas keeps an iPad in their waiting room for clients to use. The new single page payment form is kept loaded on the iPad for checkout. Their web site links to the same page for donations. This way, clients see a familiar page each time they visit.

Do you have a special need that doesn't fit a traditional fundraising model? If so, we'd love to talk to you about it. We may be able to design something custom for you. All of our custom design assistance is provided free of charge.