Recurring Payments
View recurring payments
To view your recurring donations and payments, click Reports > Recurring Payments from the top navigation bar. Or, from the Main Menu page, in the Manage Transactions section, click Recurring Payments.
Transactions you see in the Recurring Payments area are flagged to process a payment on a recurring basis. To make a change that affects all future payments, updates must occur in the Recurring Payment record.
Activity seen in Transaction Reports is a record of daily processing activity. When a recurring payment is processed by GiveDirect on the 15th of the month, the transaction processed for that day will appear in Transaction Reports. However, to manage a recurring donation or payment, make sure you go to Recurring Payments.
How to search for recurring payments
Note: A quick way to know if you are in the correct location: the Recurring Payment search fields menu has a blue background, whereas the Transaction (daily) Reports search fields menu has a gray background.
To find a recurring payment record, use either the quick report links in the middle of the page or the search fields on the left.
The quick report links are ideal for finding new recurring transactions or all active recurring payments.
Search for an individual contributor by using the name fields on the left. Find groups of recurring contributors by selecting the recurring frequency from the "Recurs" drop-down list and click "Search".
When using the search fields, make sure to delete any dates in the date range fields to ensure an accurate search.
To view the detail page, click the Transaction ID number. From the detail page you may modify the frequency, cancel the donation or membership, modify the payment amount, add a cover the fee amount, update the donor contact information, reassign the transaction to a different program fund, and update the payment method.